Leadership Capacity for Paradox

It might be useful to you as a leader to grow your  capacity for handling paradox. We all face paradoxical situations, people, or things with some frequency. Groups and organizations of people similarly experience paradox yet the topic of developing the capacity to handle paradox is seldom a topic of either conversation or in leadership development programs. If you pause right … Read More

Why Leadership Must Change

In January, as part of the Genuine Contact Way tour, Birgitt Williams had the opportunity to be interviewed by managerSeminare magazine. The interview appeared in both their magazine and as a video on their website.  The focus of the interview was about the need for a shift to nourishing a culture of leadership that creates the conditions for leading so … Read More

How Leadership Archetypes are Affecting Results

When you think of leadership, what archetype comes into your mind? Pause for a moment and consider what comes up for you. An archetype might be represented by a person, an animal, or a symbol.  When you think of leadership, what archetype comes into your mind? You may wish to make a few notes for yourself about what this archetype … Read More

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