Measuring Leadership Capacity via Units of Energy

Every morning when I wake up, I ask myself 3 simple questions. These questions help me to look after my energy management, so I have what it takes to get through a busy day.  The 3 questions that I ask myself are: Am I leaking energy? If so, what is this about? What can I do in this moment as … Read More

Do You Experience Yourself or Another as a Victim?

Years ago, working in Abuja, Nigeria, the organization we were working with, Management Strategies for Africa, provided us with the services of a driver. His name is Monday and he left a lasting impression on our lives. Monday grew up in a village, the oldest son of eight children. Growing up in a village meant very little income and thus … Read More

Grandfather Energy

posted in: Genuine Contact

Annually we participate in the Genuine Contact Summer Academy in Europe. The Summer Academy includes an international mentoring circle, a peer to peer learning opportunity. One of the highlights for me this year was a grouping of the men in our circle who came together and concluded that their gift to the continued growth of our Genuine Contact organization was … Read More

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