From Project Management to Change Facilitation

Some years ago I was contracted to do an assessment of a multi-million dollar bi-country project that was falling behind on its targets. The project was designed to bring about a significant improvement in health practices and health standards for newborn, child, and maternal health and survival. The United Nations had set the acceptable standards, the two countries who funded … Read More

Supporting People Beyond the “Click Off” That Occurs When Faced With Change

Imagine, if you will, that you are in a conversation about something that requires change. The conversation may be at work, at home, in the community. The change may be big or little. It is out of the comfort zone of the person you are in conversation with. The conversation may occur as a result of something being learned in … Read More

From ‘Coping with Change’ to ‘Thriving in Change’

One of the few constants in life is, ironically, change. Assuming this belief is true, then the choice becomes about whether you wish to spend your life coping with change or thriving in change. Your life and work will benefit from deepening your understanding of what it takes to thrive in change. If you believe it’s true that change is … Read More

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