April 30 – May 6, 2021 | 9am – 12:30 pm | Online
For Executives, Facilitators, Consultants, Managers, Team Leaders, HR and OD specialists
You may be interested in enhancing your leadership skills, knowledge and capacity to lead in a way in which others will engage their own leadership. In this learning program, you will learn a holistic paradigm for leadership that will serve you in bringing out the best in yourself and in the business, groups, and organizations that you lead.
The Holistic Leadership Development module was designed to assist leaders who want to develop their leadership approach, strengthen their own power and find tools and methods to impact their organization. In the workshop participants will have time to define their own leadership approach, strengthen their leadership capacity and design a plan for leadership development in their organization.
You will learn how to achieve extraordinary levels of self-awareness and masterful use of your own self as an instrument to achieve what you want to achieve in your organizations. You will learn how to work from the collective wisdom within your organization in order to solve the tough problems facing you and your organization. This workshop was designed to assist you in leading in this complex, non-linear cross-cultural world and to thrive despite the accelerated pace of change.
As Einstein is quoted as saying “We cannot solve our problems at the same level of thinking (consciousness) that got us into them”.