Skill and Capacity Development
In this learning program you will discover:
- A practical framework to review your current state of health and balance from your perspective
- Skills, knowledge, tools, and techniques to rebalance yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually when you find yourself out of balance in any or even all of these dimensions
- Skills, knowledge, tools, and techniques to live more authentically resulting in being increasingly able to lead with integrity from your genuine self
- An understanding of how to work with the power of a personal operating matrix in relation to desired behaviors, actions, and results
- An understanding of how to work with your purpose, leadership values, vision, community, relationships and self-management from a holistic rather than reductionist perspective to conserve energy, support flexibility to meet challenges and opportunities effectively and to maintain your health and balance, your overall well-being.
- Skills, tools, and knowledge to reduce the gap between your potential and results
- Increased capacity to assist yourself to thrive
- Increased leadership capacity for being in the state of balance for good decision making
- Increased capacity for leading in a performance environment of constant change.
The learning program includes 5 segments. Approximate times for your work with each segment are suggested, totaling approximately 13 hours of guided learning. The three real-time online sessions are spaced a week apart for the purpose of giving you integration and application time for your learning. Participants report that they feel as though they have the benefit of a three week long learning experience even though the real-time online facilitated experience is only 3-1/2 hours per week.
- Segment 1: Self-study video focused on your Business and/or Development Goal. Plan for 1 hour.
- Segment 2: Self-study video focused on Find Your Starting Place. Plan for 1 hour.
- Segment 3: Self-study video focused on Foundations of Individual Health and Balance. Plan for 1 hour.
- Segment 4: Self-study video focused on Exploring Personal Purpose. Plan for 1 hour.
- Segment 5: Self-study video focused on Using the Medicine Wheel Tool to Strengthen Individual Health and Balance. Plan for 1 hour.
- Segment 6: Self-study video focused on Exploring Personal Power. Plan for 1 hour.
- Segment 7: Self-study video focused on Capacity Development via Noticing. Plan for 30 minutes.
- Segment 8: Real-time Online Sessions November 22, 29 December 6 & 13, 2024, 8am – 12pm EST with facilitators Rachel Bolton and Birgitt Williams. Learning from the self-study videos is processed. Additional topics pertaining to Individual Health and Balance as it relates to leadership capacity are covered. Total time 14 hours.
- Segment 9: Real-time online Mentoring Circle. 3 hours. Next Mentoring Circle Date: March 27, 2026