What is Open Space Technology

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One of our preferred methods when we are asked to facilitate a group  is Open Space Technology (OST). Our clients, whether in the private or public sector, get results from an OST meeting greater in both quantity and quality than they initially thought possible. After a simple planning process, the facilitators structure the meeting and then for most of the meeting … Read More

Working With Truth?

I have found that in living and working the Genuine Contact way, people experience times and situations of discomfort. In my observations, the discomfort seems to be related to truth. Discomfort #1: There is a challenge to be truthful with oneself about oneself to the extent possible. I say, to the extent possible because being able to be truthful with … Read More

If leadership is in everyone, how do they access this leadership?

In last week’s blog, I asked you to reflect about whether you think it is true that leadership is in everyone and I invited you to share your thoughts with me. Today, I go a little further on this topic. If you have been reading The Genuine Contact Way: Nourishing a Culture of Leadership, you know that I firmly and … Read More

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