A Second Rule of Engagement – About Choices and Decisions

Rules of engagement have to do with what your energy is available for and what it is not available for. They are about what you are willing to engage your energy in. Have you given thought to a foundational rule of engagement that you have for your private and work life?  You probably have one that overlights the choices and decisions … Read More

Benefiting from Co-operation Partners: The Role and Responsibility of the Board of Directors

One way for Non-Profit organizations and agencies to make a bigger impact for their clients, patients and customers is to have successful Co-operation Partnerships. Benefiting from co-operation partners means that together with other organizations and agencies you can leverage each other’s skills, capacities and strengths to achieve your goals and be of greater impact to the people you serve. Co-operation … Read More

Leading Life and Business from a Sense of Deep Integrity

This morning, like most mornings, I went for a short drive to the local forest  to do my walking meditation. There is something about what is now becoming common in ‘forest bathing’ this revives me. I take a question into my walking meditation, with the anticipation that I will come out of the experience with clarity. Often the question is … Read More

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